aziz, abdul (2023) PENGAWASAN KUA DALAM PELAKSANAAN IKRAR WAKAF DI KECAMATAN NGASEM KABUPATEN KEDIRI. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo Kediri.

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ABDUL AZIZ.2023: Supervision of KUA in the Implementation of Waqf Pledge in Ngasem District, Kediri Regency, Islamic Family Law, Tribakti Islamic University (UIT) Kediri, Supervisor Drs. HA. Abd. Halim Musthofa, M.HI. Keywords: Supervision, Waqf Pledge, KUA This research is based on the background that in fact in the general public, especially in Ngasem District, Kediri Regency, there are many wakafan practices that only use religious habits and customary habits that have been rooted in the community, it does not have definite legal force, based on waqf law regulations in Indonesia which can cause disputes in several parties. The focus of research in this thesis is: (1) explaining supervision in the implementation of waqf pledges in Ngasem sub-district, Kediri Regency, (2) explaining the implementation of Law No. 41 of 2004 concerning waqf in the practice of Waqf pledges in Ngasem sub-district, Kediri Regency. In this study using qualitative research approach empirical normative law. Based on the theme raised, this study produced descriptive data. There are two types of data sources for this study, namely primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques use participatory observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. And data validity checking using data triangulation. The results of this thesis research, namely: (1) supervision in the implementation of the waqf pledge in Ngasem sub-district, Kediri Regency through KUA Supervision as a government institution starting the registration process until the issuance of the waqf pledge deed must meet five stages, namely: (a) Wakif (person who endows). (b) Nazhir (the person given the task of managing the waqf land). (c) Two witnesses (persons who witnessed the waqf pledge). (d) Waqf Pledge Deed Making Officer (commonly referred to as PPAIW) originating from within the KUA. (e) land registration officers at the Land Office (District/City). (2) The steps of the Religious Affairs Office of Ngasem District in the Implementation of Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf include: (1) Disseminating to the public regarding government policies regarding Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf and Government Regulation Number 42 of 2006 concerning its implementation. (2) Cooperate with religious organizations, religious leaders, community leaders to socialize Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf and Government Regulation Number 42 of 2006 concerning its implementation. (3) Will try to apply sanctions to all elements related to the management of waqf property that intentionally violate Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf and Government Regulation Number 42 of 2006 concerning its implementation

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate (S1))
Subjects: 300 – Ilmu Sosial > 340 Ilmu hukum > 341 Hukum-hukum negara
300 – Ilmu Sosial > 340 Ilmu hukum > 346 Hukum privat, hukum perdata
300 – Ilmu Sosial > 340 Ilmu hukum > 348 Undang-undang, hukum, regulasi dan kasus
300 – Ilmu Sosial > 340 Ilmu hukum > 349 Hukum yurisdiksi tertentu, wilayah, wilayah sosial ekonomi
Divisions: Fakultas Syariah > Hukum Keluarga
Depositing User: SH Abdul Aziz
Date Deposited: 06 Aug 2024 04:24
Last Modified: 06 Aug 2024 04:24

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